Otterberry Tale

I spend my time meandering up and down the river and frolicking in the waters along the way. My favourite place is the magnificent dam at BrambleBerry Country Lodge. It’s simply beautiful!

I told you about Ted, the one giant I’ve encountered while paddling along minding my own business, but I have to tell you that he seems to have acquired a few mates, just as big. These guys are monsters, but also smart, and I think they’ve learned a thing or two about crafty flies and clever fly fishermen, so getting them on the hook is no easy task. As I write I have to be honest and tell you that the prevalent grass in the dam is affecting fishing, unless you can dive like me, so the owners are addressing the matter and in the meantime the fishing has been suspended but you can still enjoy the fun and relaxation of throwing a line if you wish at no cost. Many of the kids who have been coming here for years have all grown and now we have a whole new generation paddling canoes and chugging along on their own little electric fishing boat, swimming in the dam, or just having fun on the banks. Please bring your own canoes or electric boats when you visit as the dam is 4 hectares in size and stretched almost 500m long and 100m wide.

The last yield of pine and gum trees have since been turned into pulp and furniture, but the farm hasn’t lost its romantic feel, as all the trees around the dam have remained, and new trees are growing everywhere. Soon the reforestation will be complete.

Many parents from Durban or up country still prefer the tranquility, convenience and close proximity to the local private schools like Michaelhouse, St Annes, Hilton, Clifton and others in the region.

The popularity of the farm has grown over the past 16 years so bookings are generally made way in advance, with most visitors re-confirming events a year ahead. We do however have the odd gap if you have a sudden impulse to soak up a bit of country life. Give us a call, but also check out the calendar, mark the long-weekends and holidays, and Book Now to start your adventure.

Who knows, I might just be there when you visit, keeping an eye out for you.

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